Usher Schedule

USHER Instructions

  1. Arrive prior to Sunday School to ensure church has been cleaned and is ready for service
  2. Upon arrival and during Sunday School time:
    1. Turn on lights and lamps in lobby; normally the Praise and Worship team
      will already be in the Sanctuary practicing upon your arrival
    2. Check and adjust thermostats if necessary in all Sunday School rooms and
    3. During the winter months, shovel sidewalk and place ice melt out if needed.
    4. Check to ensure all exterior doors except the main entrance are locked.
    5. Ensure coffee/snack table in the hall is prepared with adequate supplies and start preparing coffee and hot water for hot chocolate and tea in the kitchen
    6. Double check restrooms to ensure cleanliness, TP is available, and soap/paper
      towels are sufficient for service.
    7. Prepare Communion Trays for main service and place in refrigerator; fill
      all spaces-32 cups per tray.
    8. Check auditorium to ensure paper is picked up and removed from chair pockets
    9. Check to ensure offering baskets are in place
    10. Ensure bulletins are folded and ready to be handed out as people begin
      arriving for worship
    11. Turn on TV in Nursery and audio receivers in lobby once sound system is active
    12. Ensure crayons and paper are available on usher’s table for kids
    13. Open auditorium doors
    14. Greet members/visitors, and provide information on Sunday School class
      location for interested individuals and provide visitor card with instructions to fill out place in the offering baskets
    15. Ring doorbells to start (0930) and end Sunday School classes (1015) and
  3. Prior to start of the service:
    1. Check to make sure nursery worker is in the nursery
    2. Greet members/visitors, and provide them with a visitor’s card. Encourage them to fill it out and place in the offering baskets.
    3. Ring the bells at 1025 to move people from lobby into auditorium
    4. Close sanctuary doors
    5. Monitor empty seats if crowded and help seat people who are arriving close to start time or late
    6. Remain in the lobby area until after music ends and Pastor starts the message
  4. During the service:
    1. Check with nursery worker to see if they need any help
    2. Periodically check coffee during the morning to ensure adequate amount is
      available, normally two pots regular and one pot decaff covers Sunday School and main service
    3. Monitor to ensure everyone is comfortable, temperature is right and not a great deal of excessive kid door activity
  5. After Service:
    1. After service, police the main sanctuary picking up paper and ensuring sanctuary is ready for CCS Spanish service
    2. Collect trash from kitchen, bathrooms, Sunday School rooms, front office, replace trash bags and take large trash bag out to the dumpster
    3. Double check restrooms to ensure toilets/urinals flushed and ready for
      next service
    4. Turn off TV and Audio receivers, bring handicap cones back into the church
    5. Turn off lights in backrooms and Sanctuary; ensure building is locked in
      case everyone leaves before the Spanish speaking church usher arrives and
      begins there set up process. If you have to leave let someone know that they need to lock the doors if they leave before the Spanish Church arrives.
  6. Notify Frank 801-698-0611 or Clarence, 801-603-4809, during the week if you are not going to be able to cover your Sunday

    Thanks for your willingness to assist with helping everyone to have a
    wonderful worship environment.