We we believe that ministry happens whenever the people of God are active in serving one another and the community. We believe that we exist not for ourselves, but to worship God and serve the world. Our various ministry opportunities exist to Educate, Equip, and Empower the people of God for service. It is our prayer that every member of RBC is an active member. Some of the ministry opportunities are listed here, but for current opportunities listen for announcements and check our Facebook page.
Ministry @RBC
Awana is a world-wide nonprofit ministry focused on providing Bible-based evangelism and discipleship for children. We have clubs for kids from 3 years old to the 6th grade.
Women's Ministry
The women of RBC regularly meet for Bible study and prayer. We also encourage spontaneous and less formal gatherings throughout the year. We also seek to provide opportunities to women to encourage and disciple one another.
Men's Ministry
The men of RBC participate in Bible studies, activities, and fellowships throughout the year. From prayer breakfasts, mid-week studies, work days, etc... the men of RBC seek to disciple and serve one another and the body of Christ together.
Youth / Trek
7th to 12th grade students engage with scripture and make lasting friendships though weekly TREK meetings on Wednesdays at 6:15pm and monthly fellowship opportunities.